
Squads provide young swimmers with the next progression beyond Swimming Lessons.

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Mini Squads

Mini squads provide the opportunity for continued improvements in the technical aspects of swimming including:

  • Refinement of all strokes, starts, turns and finishes
  • Preparedness for racing
  • Increased fitness and speed with good technique

Current Sessions: Monday & Wednesday at 3:45pm

45-minute session with a maximum of 10 per group

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Junior Squads

Junior squads build on the skills learned in mini squads through including:

  • Continued technical refinement
  • Focus on learning to train in a squad environment while holding good technique
  • Continued preparedness for racing
  • Beginning to learn strategies for racing different events

Current sessions: Monday & Wednesday at 4:30pm

45-minute session with a maximum of 12 per group

Squads Program Details

Joining Squads is similar to a membership or other sports commitments, fees are charged regardless of attendance. All Squads enrolments are ongoing memberships paid fortnightly via credit card or bank account.

  • $24.80 - 1 Class per week Squads membership ($49.60 charged fortnightly)
  • $37.20 - 2 Classes per week Squads membership ($74.40 charged fortnightly)

A Squads membership provides unlimited pool access outside training times (includes Purruna and any other YMCA SA pool, pending availability). Squad memberships are ongoing, with fees debited until cancellation notice is provided (2 week notice required).

Get Started

Submit Expression of Interest Form

Purruna Swim Team

The Purruna Swim team is a Swimming Australia and Swimming SA associated club based out of the Purruna Spencer Newton Centre and is committed to nurturing each swimmer’s growth, offering expert coaching and opportunities to compete at state, regional, and national levels.

Learn more and join

Squads FAQ

How are fees paid? What is direct debit?

Squads fees are paid fortnightly (every second Thursday) by direct debit. Direct debit means the fees are automatically withdrawn from your designated bank account or credit card. Fees are collected in advance (for the forward 2 week period), and are ongoing (not term based), so the enrolment will remain active (and fees charged fortnightly) until written cancellation is received.

What is the Client Portal (update payment details, review payment history, check upcoming classes)

The Client Portal is where you can manage your account. Once your initial account has been set up by staff, log into the Client Portal with the email supplied and for the first login use the forgot password link to set a password. From within the Client Portal you can:

  • Update contact information (a valid, regularly checked email is very important)
  • Update emergency contact information
  • Review payment history and review/pay outstanding balances
  • Review upcoming bookings
  • Review skill progression

*Note that the parent/guardian is the contract payee, however the enrolment contracts are located under the child in the Client Portal.

How do I cancel my child's enrolment?

2 weeks written notice of cancellation is required to end an enrolment. To clarify, this means once notice of cancellation is provided, one more direct debit will be charged. You will have access to all classes charged - so at the date of cancellation, you may still have 3 to 4 lessons upcoming before enrolment finishes.

To provide notice of cancellation please send an email to purruna@ymcasa.org.au noting the students full name, and current class day/time.

How do I change my training day or frequency?

If your schedule changes and you wish to change times/day, please email purruna@ymcasa.org.au and detail your change request.

Transfers between Mini Squads and Jr Squads will be prompted by the teachers based on skill progression.

Suspensions vs Class Absences vs Medical Suspensions


All students are entitled to up to 4 weeks of suspension per calendar year at no cost. All suspension request must be submitted via the online Suspension Request Form below. If the below conditions are met you will not be charged for classes during a suspension period.

  • The student has not taken more than 4 weeks suspension in the current calendar year.
  • The suspension request is submitted two weeks in advance (suspensions are designed to accommodate holiday absences and are not intended for sick days). Medical suspensions detailed below.
  • The family account has no outstanding balance.

Class Absences / Illness

We understand life happens and you'll miss the odd week due to illness of other engagements. Like other sporting fees, there is no refund for the odd missed class.

Medical Suspension

Medical suspensions are available for students who are unable to attend 2 or more consecutive lessons (e.g. most relevant for injuries lasting several weeks). Medical suspensions must be arranged prior to the missed lesson in writing (by email) and be accompanied by a supporting medical certificate. We will hold your spot for up to 6 weeks. Suspensions over 6 weeks will be removed from their class and re-enrolled upon return.

Suspension Terms

Student are entitled to up to 4 weeks of suspension per calendar year at no cost if the following conditions are met:

 - Suspension request is submitted via online form and more than 2 weeks in advance

 - The student has not taken more than 4 weeks suspension in the current calendar year

 - The family account (including other child enrolments) has no outstanding balance

Suspensions are not intended for missed classes due to illness.

Medical Suspension

Medical suspensions are available for students who are unable to attend 2 or more consecutive lessons. Medical suspensions must be arranged prior to the missed lesson in writing (by email) and be accompanied by a supporting medical certificate. We will hold your spot for up to 6 weeks. Suspensions over 6 weeks will be removed from their class and re-enrolled upon return.

What if my child is sick?

We understand life happens and you'll miss the odd week due to illness of other engagements. Like other sporting fees, there is no refund for the odd missed class.

Are there classes over school holidays?

Yes. The Squads program is ongoing (not term based) and runs 50 weeks a year. The only break is for 2 weeks for the Christmas holidays.

Why do I have an outstanding balance?

If your direct debit payment has rejected you will be notified by email. Rejections may happen for a number of reasons ranging from insufficient funds to incorrect payment details. Please log into the Client Portal to pay off outstanding balances, review payment history, and update payment details (ie. update credit card information).

*Note that the parent/guardian is the contract payee, however the enrolment contracts are located under the child in the Client Portal.

Swim Team FAQ

What is the Purruna Swim Team and how do I join?

Purruna Swim Team is a Swimming Australia and Swimming South Australia registered competitive Swimming Club. To join Purruna Swim Team please head to the Swim Team website.

Please note, the Purruna Swim Team is not operated by the YMCA.

How does membership work?

Membership of Purruna Swim Team includes all the necessary Swimming Australia and Swimming South Australia fees and insurances to allow you to enter competitive swim meets within Australia.

Does Purruna Swim Team Membership cover YMCA squad fees?

The Squad program held at Purruna is separate to the Purruna Swim Team Membership and is run by the YMCA. As such squad or Swimming Lesson fees apply separately to the Swim Team Membership.

Does my child have to be in squad to join the Purruna Swim Team?

The Purruna Swim Team is open to swimmers of all levels and therefore if your child is not yet in the squad program they are still able to join the Purruna Swim Team and get involved in swim meets.

Who should I direct any further queries on the Purruna Swim Team to?

Please direct all enquiries relating to the Purruna Swim Team via their website, or email enquiries@purrunaswimteam.com.au